Conversations With Noelle Kroese – God Doesn’t Always Walk Us Down the Easy Road
What can we say? We hear about it, we read about it, but when we actually meet someone who has decided to give up all the comforts of modern day living to follow the path that God has laid out for them, it’s a sobering experience. Such was the case with our time Sunday with Noelle Kroese.
Come December, Noelle will be returning to the orphanages of Kenya to help with the meager education system in that war torn country. She has left her employment as an elementary teacher and is selling her home here in McMinnville to follow a calling that, quite frankly, would scare most of us to death. Yet, she is committed. “There are no books and very little supplies,” she said. “Everything we need has to be carried in by hand because the government is so corrupt that they would confiscate everything that might come to us by mail.”
And the stories continued: armed guards, political unrest, and corruption at all levels of government. But it is the children that bring her back. “I have to go,” she said. For those who missed Noelle’s visit with us last Sunday, it was an inspiring moment.
I am happy to say the Noelle has tentatively agreed to meet with us in late August to present a Power Point presentation and answer any further questions we may have about this incredible journey of faith. Stay tuned for details as they are finalized.
Pastor Ken